17 April, 2011

Poskad Lapp Costumes from Finnmark

The Sami people lives in the northern parts of four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia (the Kola Peninsula). In earlier times Sápmi (the land of the Sami) covered a much bigger part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, probably also more of northern Russia.

In this north-western part of Europe the Sami people is the indigenous population, as far as we know today. Many scientists believe that this ethnic group descends from the Komsa people, who lived along the northern coast as far back as eight to ten thousand years ago.

In earlier times the Sami were called Lapps (as in Lapland and Lappmarken) and Finns (as in Finnmark and Finland). During the centuries when they were suppressed by their majority neighbours the names 'Lapp' and 'Finn' acquired a disparaging value (in English the word 'Finn' means an inhabitant of Finland). In the last decades Sami (or same in Norwegian and Swedish),
derived from their own word sámit, has replaced the older names.

Untuk pengetahuan, poskad lama ini rupa-rupanya masih bernilai kerana apabila dirujuk kepada cardcow.com harganya ialah $14.95...

Untuk maklumat lanjut sila layari: Wikipedia/Sami people

6 Any comments?:

Unknown said...

teringat dulu2 peranan poskad ni sungguh meluas...sampai nak tuju lagu dlm radio pun pakai poskad..nak masuk kuiz dlm tv pun poskad juga...sekarang dah takda dah..semua IT...

Mumystrawberry said...

wah memori dulu ..poskad

Bawang Goreng said...

Jarang hantar poskad...
sebab posmen boleh baca isinya...

Tapi bagus ek, lagi 100 tahun berapa harganya ya?

Filippo said...

xpenah guna poskad

Koding said...

Dulu kira rajin simpan poskad kerana gambarnya yang cantik...
Kini nak dapat gambar cantik cari saja guna google...

Anonymous said...

nice post dude, keep on blogging :D

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