A 70-year heritage of consistency and high quality has earned NESTLE CARNATION Malted Milk the #1 market position in its category. The long-standing reputation of quality ensures customer satisfaction. Treat yourself or others to delicious milkshakes, smoothies and other specialty drinks made with the brand they know and love. - Nestle.

Kali ini marilah kita ikuti pula Carnation Instant Malted Milk yang pernah popular suatu ketika dahulu sebagai minuman tambahan seakan-akan Horlick ini. Kepada mereka yang pernah merasainya tentunya tidak dapat melupakan keenakannya.
Malted Whole Milk Richness.Carnation instant is the wholesome, delicious way to get quick energy nourishment and the vitamins and minerals needed for growth, health and vitality. Makes milk more nutritious... more tempting to children, convalescents and nursing mothers.

Terdapat beberapa kaedah menyediakan minuman malts ini, antaranya ialah:
1. For tempting cold malts.
2. For delicious hot malts.
3. "Fountain Malts".
4. Fruit Malts.
5. Egg Nog Malts.
6. Bedtime Malts.

Pandangan dari atas penutup botol. Dikeluarkan oleh Carnation Company, Los Angeles, California. Entah bila ianya dikeluarkan tidak pula diketahui memandangkan tiada pula tercatat tarikh luputnya seperti kebanyakan produk makanan atau minuman yang lain. Juga tiada terdapat logo halal pada labelnya...

Carnation is a brand of food products. The brand was especially known for its evaporated milk product created in 1899, then called Carnation Sterilized Cream and later called Carnation Evaporated Milk. The brand has since been used for other related products including milk-flavoring mixes, flavored beverages, flavor syrups, hot cocoa mixes, instant breakfasts, corn flakes, and ice cream novelties. Nestle acquired the Carnation Company in 1985. -
3 Any comments?:
hohoho.. taun biler punyer nih BR? ades.. serious.. aku salute ko la biler tgk banyak bebarang lamer nih.. terasa plak nak ge korek2 khazanah opah aku pastu kasik kat ko. err.. tp ader ke lagi khazanah tu.. hehehe
hhuhuhu... x penah plak cube mende nih :)
tak pernah jumpa nih....
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