Paris, the world's most popular city destination, has plenty of must-see places but make sure you spend at least a day strolling off the beaten path, as this is the only way to discover the real Paris: a lively cosmopolitan but undeniably French city.
The Seine River (780km) is the second longest river in France after the Loire River. The old buildings, the riverboats, the changes of colour reflected by the water, the gardens, and the 32 bridges compose one of the worlds grandest, yet most endearing cityscapes.

For more information, please visit: Wikipedia/Paris
Moral Value: Teringin juga hendak ke Paris, akan ku gapai menara Eiffel, tapi apakan daya tangan tak sampai.. dapat simpan poskad pun jadilah.
6 Any comments?:
:) teringin jugak nak pergi paris!!
blum tercapai lagi :(
kalau nak pegi,bwk iqa ye.
nostalgic feeling..bila masuk blog ni..hu2 -)
BR to Hunnym Syot 美智子:
entahlah bila nak sampai situ.. angan2 saja lah. hehe..
BR to syafiqakarim:
boleh.. boleh..
BR to dreamygirl:
"mengimbau masa silam yang blues" huhu..
tahun 80an dulu boleh dikatakan murah lagi nak pergi eropah..tapi sekarang tak boleh dah..sekarang ni nak pergi hajipun kena ada 10 ribu.
BR to bro Alan:
itulah masalahnya bro, haji pun belum lagi ni..
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