Pada hari ini genaplah sudah usia poskad ini 28 tahun.
The English Lake District National Park is England's largest and covers 2292 square kilometres (885 square miles), the largest of the 11 national parks in England & Wales, containing over 1800 miles of footpaths through some of Britain's most beautiful countryside. The variety of spectacular mountains, peaceful lakes, rolling fells and bustling market towns make the Lake District a unique part of Britain and is also one of the most visited parts of the country.

The Lake District is the wettest place in England. It is also the most mountainous with 100 peaks over 2,000 feet and 16 lakes including the longest and deepest in the country. Five hundred million years ago the Lakes stood on the edge of the so-called "ring of fire". This was an area of intensive volcanic activity with lava and basalt being thrown up resulting in the creation of some of the area's craggy peaks.

Twelve thousand years ago the area was covered by ice which sculpted the landscape. In 1951, the Lake District was designated as a National Park to protect it for future generations. The Lake District is famous for its lakes, mountains and fells, and its association with the 19th century poetry and writings of William Wordsworth, Beatrix Potter and the Lake Poets.
20 Any comments?:
msti harge poskad nih dah mahal kn..
mmg blues...huhu..
iaryylr macam nampak ada kat atas gunung tu, tapi kena guna teropong ajaiblah....
wow!indah sungguh permandangan zaman dulu di England.
usia postcard yang 28 tahun dan view yang indah menjadikan nilai tambah bagi post card tersebut :)
yup'z/ good this post !
Cantik sangat poskad lama ni
kepada pengumpul poskad lama saya ada jual pos kad lama dengan harga yang sangat berpatutan
sila lihat di sini
So beautiful post i am so inspired here could you more brief here about some thing new related blogs i will be back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for sharing...
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you are so beauty....keep learning to master bloging... hHE...
pehhh classicnya postcard ni... btw done folow - Noob
salam gan ...
menghadiahkan Pujian kepada orang di sekitar adalah awal investasi Kebahagiaan Anda...
di tunggu kunjungan balik.nya gan !
thanks for share..
ane ora ngerti basane,
tpi pemandangannya bagus
artikelnya sangat bagus dan sangat bermanfaat, makasih
semoga sukses saja..
artikel yang bagus
thanks for sharing
informasi yg sngt mnarik!
makasih infonya,sangat bermanfaat sekali
siip deh,,sangat menarik,makasih dan sukses slalu,,
kunjungan siang gan,,
infonya kerren..
sukses dan sehat salam salam dari toko kami Zahra Herbal ..
terima kasih untuk info ditunggu kunjungan di balik itu ...
Terimakasih atas semua informasinya semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua para pembaca, dan semoga kita selalu diberi kesehatan dalam menjalankan aktifitas setiap harinya
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