Inilah satu-satunya tin Strepsils yang masih BR simpan kira-kira 18 tahun yang lalu. Memang selalu kena sakit kerongkong memandangkan pekerjaan yang 'banyak bercakap'... He.. he..

Sejarah Strepsils:
Strepsils have been in production since 1958, and contain two active ingredients, namely amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol. These ingredients are mild antiseptics, which can kill bacteria associated with mouth and throat infections. However, as indicated on the packet, research has not shown the presence of an antibacterial agent to reduce the length or severity of an infection. Strepsils "Extra" contains hexylresorcinol as an active ingredient, and Strepsils "Sore Throat & Blocked Nose" contains menthol 8 mg. Reckitt Benckiser also produce a higher strength lozenge that used to be marketed under the Strepsils "Intensive" label, but are now marketed under the brand name Strefen, which contains the active ingredient flurbiprofen 8.75 mg. - Wikipedia
5 Any comments?:
hahahah.. memang rare mender nih...
dulu2 bila sakit tekak ja mesti menda ni gak yg akn di cari...hehe
huhuhu...klasiknyer tin nih...dulu ader gak,tp dah buang,sebab kemek, tertindih barang...sayang plak rasernya,antik tu,hehehe
time sakit baru lah nampak benda ni...
jenamanya masih kekal cuma packingnya aje yg berbeza.
p/s- kagum BR boleh simpan selama itu. kalau saya, dh lama melayang. saya cuma rasa sayang bila nampak semula barang2 lama milik org sdgkan suatu ketika dulu langsung tak ambil peduli.
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